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Wednesday, December 18

Jean Ederer

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Psalm 119:49-50 “Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: your promise preserves my life.”

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the Bible at 176 verses. Written in Hebrew, it is an alphabetic acrostic poem. Each section begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet and each verse in the section begins with the same Hebrew letter of the alphabet. Verses 49 to 72 begin with the Hebrew word ZAYIN, which is a paradoxical word meaning “sword” or “weapon,” but derives from a root word which means “sustenance” or “nourishment.”

This psalm is a song of praise for the glory of God’s written word. God’s Word not only nurtures and sustains us but can be used as a weapon against fear and despair.

I am writing this meditation the day before the presidential election. I honestly do not know what will be happening in the United States when we read this meditation. While that thought is distressing, I do know where to find comfort in my distress. I may be tempted to listen to my favorite cable news anchor or scroll my news headlines until I find something that looks hopeful. I may listen to a variety of voices, but the one voice that brings truth and life is Jesus. His Word preserves my life.

Whenever I read Scripture, meditate on God’s Word, or speak with God in prayer, something happens deep within me. I grow in faith. I feel hopeful. I have strength to move beyond my doubts and anxiety. I love to go for a walk with Jesus. Walking solves everything. I just walk along and invite Jesus to be with me. I may or may not talk about what is happening in the world around me or in my personal life, but I find that my faith is strengthened, and I feel renewed and strengthened. “Your promises, O God, preserve my life!”

How about you? What promises of Jesus give you hope? How do you strengthen that hope?

Jean Ederer

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