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Tuesday, December 3
Anna Aubry
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Psalm 6: 9 “The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord accepts my prayer.”
I often reflect that the thoughts and concerns that have seemed so huge to me now will likely seem pretty minor to me in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. When I think about what other people in our world are experiencing and also what my family has experienced in the past, I feel more than a little foolish. Imagine what God, who knows and sees everything, must think! Imagine what he thought of David’s prayers.
I have to admit that’s one reason why I enjoy reading Psalms. Good old David had a lot to say, and it’s quite a privilege to get an inside view of his world. Yes, David had a lot of responsibilities and issues – a really heavy load to carry! But you’ve got to admit he was also a world-class whiner from time to time. So, when David says, “The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord accepts my prayer,” he seems pleased. Although, you’ll notice he doesn’t say that the Lord said “yes” to all he asked for and gave him what he wanted or thought he needed. One of my favorite Sunday School teachers told us that God always answers our prayers, but sometimes the answer is “no”. Or maybe the answer is “wait and be patient,” or even more like “yes, I hear you, but...”
This passage has caused me to do some hard thinking about my prayers and supplications. What about you? How do you pray? What are your supplications? What sorts of answers do you get? The really good news for all of us is that God does want to hear from us and doeslisten to us. Yes, even to our whining! God hears our supplications and accepts our prayers. How fortunate and blessed we are! That is indeed Good Tidings and a cause for Great Joy!
Anna Aubry