You are welcome at St. John's! Join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Creation Care Ministry
You may have noticed the banner hanging on St. John's fence on the State Street side.
One Home One Future is a multi-faith campaign to strengthen vitality, relevance, and community connection across generations in congregations nationwide. St. John's is part of this visible effort to invite creation care and climate action into our everyday lives.

Action of the Month
Disaster Preparedness
Prepare our homes and our congregation for a weather disaster by learning about your local climate impacts and collaborating with you congregation and community on the disaster preparedness checklist. Share this checklist with others to increase your community's resilience to weather disasters. Check out more resources on climate impacts and weather disaster preparation here.
Current Project
Certified Wildlife Habitat
Our Creation Care Ministry is working to turn St. John's into a Certified Wildlife Habitat.
Contact Paula Miller to learn how you can get involved.